Degree Overview
The Division of Science at Penn State Berks offers a Baccalaureate Degree in Biology. This program is designed to educate students about the world of living things through a broad based biology curriculum. All students in the major will take courses in introductory biology, ecology, cell and molecular biology and animal/plant physiology. Other required courses include general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics and calculus. The two options within the Biology Degree provide two separate paths for students to pursue.
General Biology Option
The broad-based curriculum of the General Option allows students to study a wide variety of biological disciplines. Graduates with this option could work for environmental agencies, government agencies, or might pursue a graduate degree in biology.
Genetics and Developmental Biology Option
Students choosing the Genetics & Developmental Biology option will follow a more focused biology curriculum. Graduates with this option could work in the pharmaceutical or food science industry, as well as preparation for professional or graduate school.
Credit Requirements
For the B.S. degree in Biology, a minimum of 124 credits is required with at least 18 credits at the 400-level. Students enrolled in this degree program will have access to several career development opportunities including undergraduate research with Science faculty and cooperative education experiences through the Eberly College of Science
After completing foundation courses in calculus, chemistry, physics, and biology, students select additional biology courses from designated areas.
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